Terms and Policies

Policies & Procedures Manual

Policies & Procedures Manual

Privacy Policy for our website

GLAD TO HAVE YOU HERE! It is extremely important to us that you, a visitor to the Website (“You”), carefully read this Privacy Policy. NDD offers several products and services, including solutions for electronic tax documents, device monitoring and management for outsourcing providers, learning management systems and services that contribute to COÂČ neutrality. References to NDD products indicated in this document include websites, applications, software, servers, devices, and services.

The main purpose of this Privacy Policy is to demonstrate the ways that NDD processes and uses the information that allows the identification of a person (“Personal Data”), which may be provided by You and/or automatically collected by the Website. Personal Data provided and/or collected depends on the context, however, they have a single purpose, to provide secure solutions, offer the best service or display the most appropriate content to your profile.


This Privacy Policy is permanently available for access and reading on this website.

Always concerned with people, we are continuously dedicated to ensuring everyone can fully exercise their rights, especially their personality rights. Thus, privacy and protection of Personal Data are at the core of our concerns. This Privacy Policy, therefore, seeks to demonstrate how we are positioned regarding the use of your Personal Data, as well as what rights and duties may be exercised by You.

This Privacy Policy should always be read jointly with the Terms of Use of our solutions and other company Privacy Policies. This Privacy Policy is constantly evolving and may be changed without prior notice. For this reason, it is important that You periodically visit the Website to check if there has been any changes in the established terms.


By using the Website, You expressly state to be in agreement and accept all terms and clauses contained in this Privacy Policy, being able to access it at any time, and, if you disagree, stop using or accessing it.


Acceptance of this Privacy Policy necessarily implies that You are aware of and accept the collection of Personal Data by the Website.


When there is a choice about whether or not to provide Personal Data and You choose not to yield this information, some features that use these Personal Data may not work, even compromising the functionality of the Website.


Our access to Personal Data is given by spontaneous or automatic provision, being collected during the use of the Website. Personal Data is used to allow access to the Website or to comply with mandatory legal regulations.

Regarding the Personal Data collected, they can be:

  1. Directly provided by You;
  2. Automatically collected from your interaction with the Website.

Personal Data we process are collected in the following ways:

  1. By accessing the Website: In order to better serve the needs and interests of our visitors, the moment You visit our Website, we collect Personal Data such as time and date of access and disconnection, IP address, geolocation, advertising identifiers, operating systems and versions, browser type and pages visited.
  2. Through NDD contact history: History records of conversations via email, phone, or any other means of contacting You will be stored.
  3. Through online chats and forms: History records of conversations and data entered in forms will be stored.
  4. By accessing the Website for the purposes of recruitment and selection: Generally, the applicant shares with us his résumé, which may contain: name, email, phone number, social network handles, professional experience, photo, marital status, number of children, CPF (SSN), RG (ID No.), issuing body, date of issue, NIS, date of registration, full address, disabilities, professional purpose, personal interests, academic background, languages, knowledge, skills, area and desired position.

IMPORTANT: We use these Personal Data for the sole purpose of developing and improving your selection process, keeping the personal information collected for the time necessary to provide our services, while data processing meets the purposes proposed in item 2, or for the period required to keep Personal Data for compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. If You choose not to provide Personal Data, You will not be able to use them.

  1. Through cookies: Cookies are small text files used so that we can recognize you, which can be stored on cell phones, tablets, computers, or other devices used when accessing our website. For more information regarding the use of cookies, please check the Policy on using Cookies.

We are not responsible for the Personal Data provided by You, nor for its veracity and authenticity, which exempts NDD from any responsibility for the improper use of the Website, as well as for any potential infringement of copyright or related rights arising from the misuse of Personal Data or information of third parties.



We are a technology company and as such we understand that information security and confidentiality are essential for the success of our business, our customers, and their customers. We process personal data with the same responsibility.

Personal Data will be used exclusively to improve your interaction and experience on the site, as well as to contact you for business purposes via email, phone, and online chat, as well as maintenance of our talent bank.

Moreover, we will process Personal Data provided by You for the purpose of:

  • Offering products or services relevant to You that are part of our portfolio;
  • Direct communication with You to forward questions, solve problems or track issues, enable the effectiveness of the services provided by NDD, improve our service and prevent fraud;
  • Legal and/or regulatory compliance, including compliance with legal or regulatory requirements, where we are legally authorized to use collected Personal Data in response to requests made by competent authorities and governmental or judicial bodies;
  • Marketing and relationship management, such as maintaining and promoting contacts with current customers and prospects, account management and customer service;
  • Development, execution and analysis of market research and marketing strategies, through the anonymous use of Personal Data, disassociated from any identification;
  • Sending newsletters, event announcements, news, research, and commercial and promotional initiatives linked to the services provided by us. You may request the cancellation through the link provided at the end of the electronic message “Unsubscribe”, or, if you prefer, just contact us through the email protecaodedados@ndd.tech.


Your Personal Data will not be exposed publicly or to third parties, being respected the inviolability of the information, except in the following cases:

  1. whenever we are required to disclose them, either due to a legal provision, order of any Court, Public Authority, or relevant Regulatory Body; and
  2. to our technical service providers.


Storage of the Personal Data that we collect occurs on cloud servers that are proprietary or contracted from third parties, located in Brazil or abroad. You must know that we are diligent when contracting our suppliers, making every effort to ensure the security of your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data are stored only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, unless there is any other reason for its maintenance, for example, compliance with any legal, regulatory, contractual obligations, among others, always substantiated by a legal basis.

We always strive hard to ensure that the security of the information stored in our solutions, including those referring to Personal Data, is always as effective as possible. However, it is known that, given the nature of the internet and its constant mutational characteristic, there is no way to guarantee the total security and confidentiality of Personal Data, since there is the possibility of external and malicious invasion, but we reiterate that all necessary and reasonable efforts are constantly observed.


It is your right, as holder of Personal Data, to have free access to your Personal Data and we are fully aware of that. So, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use, exclusively in relation to your Personal Data, please contact us by email at protecaodedados@ndd.tech. From the use of the Site and the consequent acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the Specific Terms of Use for each solution, You state that you are aware and agree that, upon request to delete your Personal Data, respecting the legal terms and obligations, your Personal Data will be eliminated and can no longer be accessed or recovered, characterizing the permanent loss of these Personal Data.


If you have any questions related to this Privacy Policy, as well as to the Terms of Use, You must contact us exclusively through the email protecaodedados@ndd.tech. We have created this contact channel for You precisely so that our service and response are conducted as quickly as possible, respecting the importance that You have for our actions.


All rules, conditions, obligations, as well as all other provisions contained in this Privacy Policy, will be governed by the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil, in particular, but not limited to, the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018).


You are aware of and agree with the election of the jurisdiction of the District of Lages, State of Santa Catarina, in order to resolve any litigation that may potentially occur regarding this Privacy Policy and matters relating to interpretation, compliance or any other questioning related to this Privacy Policy and the use of Personal Data, as well as to the Terms of Use, with the exception of complaints submitted by visitors considered under the legal concept of consumers, as they may submit such complaints to the jurisdiction of their residence.

Last update: November 2020.


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